Saturday, November 28, 2009


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Today I actually went to the mall (eww) to get my Dec/January 2010 issue of NYLON, since the bookstore is basically the only place where they sell it. It felt weird to be at the mall the day after Black Friday because, well you know, everyone did some dangerous shopping yesterday. I, for sure, never have or will go shopping on BF. Come on, like what can I possibly find? The funny thing is that last night, I finally found out why they named Black Friday, Black Friday. Well in the economic world [or whatvever], the businesses or stores that are on the urge of closing down are red and the stores or businesses that are pretty well off are black. And since the economy is down, they are trying to urge people to shop more so that they can SHOP SHOP SHOP and turn these stores to "black". Wow, I never knew that or would've thought that. Aha, I hope I'm not the only one who didn't know this.

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*Note: I do NOT own the rights to the Vogue photographs. They are borrowed pictures. I do not take any credit in scanning them or anything else :)


Liya said...

suchhhh beautiful and inspiring pictures


Style Seduction said...

oh how cute!!

I never knew that about black friday either!

Anonymous said...

wow, this necklace is beautiful!!!

Anna G said...

One of my faves. She's so lovely.

Sarah said...

Love the necklace! Great blog xx