Sunday, March 7, 2010


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I don't know what it is but I have been longing for a turban. It just reminds of spring and like everyone else, I am ready for the warmer weather and the lazy days of summer. Unfortunately, there aren't many stores that sell turbans. Luckily, I was on F21's website and they actually had a turban (photo above). I really like the orange-y, reddish color....but that's the only color they have. Hey, maybe I'll do a DIY turban (floral, pastel colors, shiny fabric...)
What do you guys think?


the healthy ghost said...

It´s so 50s!

Bucca said...

Oh I wrote an article a while back on Paul Poiret who introduced the turban to the western world (along with a lot of other eastern inspired items)in the late 1800's early 1900's.
I want one too but I am not sure how I'm going to wear one - I want one for winter ...

He paired them with some very exotic (for the times) looks.

Check it out here if you like

Marta said...

it evokes me 50s! my gran used to wear a similar turban!