Wednesday, December 30, 2009


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The holidays were great and I am happy to wind down and relax. With New Year's in 2 days, I am not really sure what my plans are. What I do know is that I am not ready to start my normal schedule. Anywho, I have been doing some online browsing/shopping and it's ridiculous how someone can want so many things! Aha, but I do always find myself buying things that I dont need instead og things that I do need.'s website is like my ideal wardrobe. There is not one thing on that website that I wouldn't want...especially all of the Jeffrey Campbell shoes!

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Kassie said...

I love that store!! I know what you mean about wanting every item. I was going through bookmarking a few things that I liked and suddenly realized I was bookmarking the whole site.

Stolen Stiletto

Unknown said...

Gorgeous outfit, as ever.
Those chain boots are so rock riot grrrl. :-)
Panda x

Katie said...

love the outfit!!! and that last shirt is absolutely amazing- love it!

MAGDArling said...

loove the boots;)