Friday, May 8, 2009


Being broke can and mostly will always be the most aggravating thing especially when you're consistently online shopping, adding things to your cart, then noticing that you have no money on your card. It almost feels humiliating, but only to yourself because you are the only one who knows what happened. And all of this is pertaining to me...of course. I mean it's not all that serious to me because at least I am able to shop when I absolutely feel like it and that is mostly when the seasons have just changed.
So for the photos below, I was having a "childlike" feeling. So I grabbed an old Girl Scout button down and a teddy bear and WAH-LAAAA there you have it. I'm a very animated person so don't mind me.

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1 comment:

STARR said...

Very cute. I love that you added the tough boots :)